

1.  Admission forms will be available at the school office. Admissions begin nearly one month before the re-opening of the school. The new Academic Year commences from the early third week of February every year.

2.  Pupils seeking admission to higher classes from class I upward will have to sit for an entrance test or an interview taken by the authority.

3.  New pupils must be introduced personally by their parents or guardians who will be responsible for their regularity, conduct and fees.

4.  Fees for pupils who discontinue their studies will not be refunded.

5.  Pupils seeking admission to higher classes must produce Transfer Certificate, Progress Report, and other official documents of the previous school.

6.  Re-admission fee is must.


1.    Promotion/Pass in the examination depends on the child’s performance throughout the year and not only on marks secure in the annual examination.

2.    Students who are absent from examinations or unit tests without valid reasons will be deemed to have failed. Absence from any unit test or termly examination will not warrant a re-examination. However, if a student falls ill during the course of unit test or termly examination, their case may be considered for passing or promotion based on their prior performance. A medical certificate is required in such instances.

3.    Final Promotion/pass from a class is decided at teachers’ meeting. Hence results are final and cannot be reconsidered.

4.    Annual Examination answer scripts shall not be shown.

5.    Pupils who fail badly in the tests and examinations may be asked to leave the school as being either unwilling or unable to study. In no case however will a student be allowed to repeat in the same class for third time.

6.    No pupil will be allowed to sit for the Annual Examination if the attendance during the year is below 75%.

7.    Progress reports are issued on a regular basis. Any attempt to alter entries will be subject to strict disciplinary actions

8.    The decisions of the school authorities in the matter of promotion are final.

9.    Anyone found using unfair means in examination will be debarred from further examination and will be declared to have failed or expelled from the school.

10.  A pupil who fails in two major subjects is considered fail.    No request of pass or promotion from the parents/guardians will be entertained.

11.  All students should get their Progress Reports after the unit tests and main examinations duly signed by their parents or guardians within a week.

12.  Unit Tests, Half Yearly Examination and Annual Examination are important for the promotion of pupil to next class. However, Home Works, attendance and other co-curricular activities may also be contributory to the same.

13.  Results of Unit Tests, Half Yearly and Annual Examination should be collected within a week after the result has been declared. In case of any clarification arising from valuation  of various subjects, Parents/Guardians should  meet  the school authority at the earliest within a week after the result has been announced.


1.  The School Uniform is to be worn on all working days. Pupils without school uniform will be denied admittance to class.

2.  Parents are requested to see that the children leave their homes in well-ironed school uniform, their hair combed,  shoes polished, etc.

3.  In case of any damage caused to the School furniture like; benches, desks, chairs, window panes, toys and other appliances and equipment, the pupil/pupils will be made responsible to repair or make it all new.

4.  The school is not responsible for the loss of books, pen, pencils, umbrella, money and other things by the pupils.

5.  Students should never put their heads into quarrel and unhealthy practices.

6.  No child suffering from a contagious or infectious disease shall be permitted to attend class.

7.  No pupil shall leave the class room without the permission of the teacher-in-charge of the class or until the class is dismissed.

8.  Chalk is never allowed to be taken from the class room to be used for any purpose except for writing on the blackboard.

9.  The cultural and co-curricular activities of the school are conducted through house system. Hence all students are obliged to take part in it.

10. All students are required to bring their own lunch boxes and are not permitted to leave the school premises during school hours without prior permission from the Principal.


1.  Pupils shall never use any seductive items like pan, gutka, beedi, etc in and around the school premise.

2.  The students whose parents behave impolitely with teachers or school authority will not be allowed to continue in this school.

3.  Since language is the matter of habit and practice all the students are expected to speak in English when they are in the school campus.

4.  Pupils strictly forbidden to write or make any remarks on the walls or any part of the school premises or furniture and any pupil found doing so will be liable to punishment.

5.  Pupils are forbidden to throw paper or ink on the floor of the class room, waste papers must be put into the baskets provided for the purpose.

6.  Pupils are strictly forbidden to enter the staff room or the school office without permission.

7.  No pupil is allowed to bring into class room Mobile/any Electronic Devices, Smart watches, any other books or magazines which is not approved by the school. All such things etc. will be immediately confiscated.

8.  Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards the members of the staff and bad moral influence will result in disciplinary action or dismissal at any time of the year.


1.  Staying away from school without leave is not tolerated except in case of sudden illness or other unforeseen circumstances.  No leave of absence is sanctioned nor is   a pupil allowed to leave the school during school hours except on the strength of a letter authorized by the parents/ guardians and that too for weighty reasons.

2.  After an absence from class, pupils must bring the leave letter and show the reason for the absence duly entered in    the regularity record.

3.  Absence from school on medical grounds should be supported by an authentic medical report.

4.  Half-day leave is typically not authorized unless there is a compelling reason and only with the approval of the principal.

5.  Late arrival to school is a breach of discipline.  Students who come late habitually may be sent back home.

6.  Pupils who have been absent for 15 days without due authorization from the principal will have their names struck off the rolls.

7.  Pupils who are absent for more than 10% of working days of the school without proper authorization shall not be allowed to present themselves for the promotion examination.


1.    Parents and guardians are earnestly requested to co-operate with the school authorities regarding lessons, home works, co-curricular activities and character training of their children.

2.    Parents/Guardians cannot dictate to the school authorities as the authorities have the right to say on what condition they will admit or retain the pupils in the institution.

3.    Parents/Guardians are requested to make proper arrangement to collect the students immediately after the school hours. Though proper care will be taken to ensure the safety of the school children, the school cannot be held responsible if the students leave the school campus on their own account.

4.    Parents/Guardians are requested to   meet   the   Principal   to discuss the progress of their children by previous appointments.

5.    Parents/Guardians are not allowed to see their children or meet teachers during school hours at their class room if any necessity arises you are requested to meet the principal.

6.    School will not accept from the parents/guardians, books, tiffin, pencil box, etc. for their children during school hours.

7.    Parents/Guardians are requested to inculcate in their children regular and punctual attendance.

8.    Parents/Guardians should provide sufficient number of uniforms to their children and send them neat and clean.

9.    Parents/Guardians should make sure never to interview/ meet teacher without the permission of the Principal.

10.  Any communication (Request, Complaint, etc) should be written with full name and address of the parents/guardian and it should be addressed to the Principal only.

11.  To avoid heavy load of work at the time of the examinations for children, parents/guardians are required to:

a.  Provide a conductive convenient place for his/her study at home.

b.  Make a study time table for him/her and see that he/she works at least three hours daily.

c.  Supervise all his/her written works every day.