

There is an R.C.L.P. School, located at Lumshnong village, stands very close to the National Highway 44 (Shillong – Silchar High Way). The school was started off around forty-five years ago. It was Fr. Joseph Fantin SDB, who took keen interest and initiative to begin the school. The primary motive and intention to start the school was to educate the poor children from Lumshnong Village and the villages around. Thereafter, Fr. Augustine Kuttala SDB, who came to Lumshnong mission, got the prior permission from the Education Department and put all things in proper order for the smooth continuation and spread of education in the area.

In the year 2009, the villagers of Lumshnong and parents from surrounding villages requested Fr. Manoj Antony SVD to start the English Medium School in the campus. After obtaining the necessary NOC from the village council, on 2ndMarch, 2010, the English section of the RCLP School was opened in the Divine Word Pre-primary School Building. Since then, the number of students has increased considerably.

In 2012, Shri. Vincent Pala, the M.P. sanctioned from his MPLADs a scheme for the additional class rooms for the school. The new wing was inaugurated by him in the presence of DC, SP and other dignitaries on 23 October 2013. In 2015, the school reached the standard six with 35 students.

Over the years, the School authority and its School Management and the capable and responsible leadership of SVD fathers at different phases of their missionary services, have toiled round the clock with great vision, love and commitment to bring in quality and modern system of education for the growth and gradation of the students and for the welfare of the school at the large.

In response to our school’s request for provisional permission, the District Secondary Education Officer granted approval for the establishment of our secondary school in 2018. This marked the beginning of our journey, with the first batch of Class VIII students, totalling 32, being the beneficiaries of this initial permission.

On January 12, 2023, we achieved a significant milestone when we received regular opening permission for classes IX and X from the District Secondary Education Officer’s office. Subsequently, on August 22, 2023, our school attained affiliation with the MBOSE Board.

During the academic year 2023-2024, our student body comprised 964 individuals, reflecting the growing recognition and enrolment in our institution. In the current academic year, 2024-2025, we are proud to announce a further increase in student enrolment, with a total of 1005 students attending Divine Word Secondary School.


It is a matter of great pleasure and pride to mention with great satisfaction and joy that our school had already the honour and privilege of hundreds of students who have passed out from this school over the past several years. We hope and pray that God may bless each one of them with a bright career and a happy and joyful life.